Movynator is a free to use platform for you to discover your new favorite movies. Thanks to your support, we will be adding new features to Movynator.

Why Movy needs your support?

1.MOVY needs high-end CPUs to perform complex algorithms and find accurate results.

2.MOVY needs a huge storage capacity because we are actively creating one the biggest content database on the Internet.

3.MOVY needs almost unlimited bandwidth to operate efficiently.

4.MOVY is a free to use platform. We are trying to keep it like this and do not offer any paid services.

Your support is crucial for us to plan our development schedule. To check our future developments, please navigate to

Now available on Android:

Does this unit have a soul?



We are constantly improving your Movynator experiences thanks to your supports and feedbacks. To contact us, please visit our website and navigate to "Contact Us" page.


We are planning to add new features to Movynator. To check these features, please visit our website and then navigate to "Support Us" page.


We try to keep Movynator as stable as possible. Our maintenance plan covers a large schedule such as daily, weekly and monthly.

Geri Bildirim Gönder